| | recovery Newsletter 06|2024 |
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| From disposer to processor |  |
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| © Dr. Petra Strunk Here, where an asteroid impact formed a crater in the landscape 14.6 million years ago, is where the recycling company Böhm Entsorgung can be found today. A family business with around 100 employees. The company for the transportation of wood, building rubble and waste was founded in Nördlingen in 1951. As is so often the case, the company, which initially specialized only in waste transport, emerged from a family agricultural business ...
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| Seventh industrial lithium-ion battery recycling plant commissioned |  |
|  © URT Umwelt- und Recyclingtechnik GmbH
| | The German recycling plant manufacturer URT Umwelt- und Recyclingtechnik GmbH commissioned its seventh industrial plant for lithium-ion battery recycling in August 2024. The company has supplied a turnkey plant for thermomechanical processing of lithium-ion batteries from high-voltage technology to its customer ERLOS Produktion und Montagen GmbH in Zwickau/Germany ...
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| | IERC 2025 is the leading event in the Circular Economy Electronics world, bringing together up to 300 professionals from across the electronics recycling value chain.
An exhibition with over 30 booths offers a prime opportunity to connect with key decision-makers and discover the latest innovations in global electronics recycling. More Information
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| Circular Plastic |  |
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| © STADLER Iren SpA and STADLER Anlagenbau GmbH have invited the international press and selected customers to visit the new Circular Plastic sorting plant. Designed and built by STADLER, it is the largest plastic sorting and storage facility in Italy. The new facility has the capacity to process approximately 100 000 t mixed plastics and cans a year, closing the circular economy loop by sending up to 80 % of incoming waste to recycling plants ...
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| Significant progress in aluminium recycling |  |
|  © BT-Systems GmbH, Competence Center REDWAVE
| | With global environmental problems and increasing scarcity of resources, effective recycling is more important than ever. Skapa Recycling GmbH, in cooperation with REDWAVE, the competence center for recycling and sorting solutions of BT-Systems GmbH has made significant progress in aluminium recycling. Using state-of-the-art technology and optimised processes, they are maximising the recyclability of aluminium cans while reducing the environmental impact ...
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| Summa Equity paves the way for further growth of Bollegraaf Group |  |
|  © Bollegraaf
| | The Bollegraaf Group, one of the world’s largest creators of recycling facilities and key players in the recycling sector, has a new investor: Summa Equity, an impact investment firm that focuses on solving global challenges, one of them being resource efficiency ...
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| |  | recovery 06|2024 |  |
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| | | | Highlights of the current issue PLASTICS Deep learning technology BATTERY Industry lithium-ion battery recycling plant METAL Significant progress in aluminium recycling
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