Newsletter January 2021 
Instrument Systems
Dear Reader
Instrument Systems presents a newly developed system for ultra-fast testing of all lighting scenarios for advanced headlamps, e.g. HD / ADB / matrix / pixel headlamps. The AMS screen imaging system combines camera-based luminance measurements on a projection screen with goniometric far-field measurements in the light lab. For more information, see the Highlight article below.
Further topics in our January newsletter are our VCSEL lecture at the Photonics Spectra Conference next week, how to guarantee highly accurate infrared light measurement (new brochure), and how to calibrate UV LEDs with extremely low measurement uncertainties (technical paper).
Your Instrument Systems Team
Tel.: +49-89-454943-0
One system for all light distributions in Automotive Exterior Lighting
Lecture by Instrument Systems: Characterization of VCSELs for 3D sensing application
CAS 140CT array spectrometers for high accuracy infrared light measurement
UV LED sources demand calibration to precise measurements for safe operation
\\ AMS Screen Imaging System
AMS screen imaging system
One system for all light distributions in Automotive Exterior Lighting
Instrument Systems offers with the AMS Screen Imaging System (Optronik Line) a highly efficient solution for testing all kinds and lighting scenarios of advanced head-lamps, e.g. HD / ADB / matrix / pixel headlamps.
The newly developed system combines ultra-fast camera-based luminance measurements on a projection screen (screen photometry) with goniometric far-field measurements in your light lab. This leads to time-saving and highly accurate test results.
The system setup includes a classic AMS 3000 or 5000 far-field goniophotometer with a DSP 200 fast illuminance meter positioned beyond the photometric limiting distance. The camera used for screen photometry is the recent LumiCam 2400B camera with five mega pixels, allowing an excellent resolution for the measurement of all common, as well as state-of-the-art HD headlamps.
psc presentation
Lecture by Instrument Systems: Characterization of VCSELs for 3D sensing application

VCSELs have special properties in contrast to other typical laser sources. As a result, the classification of a VCSEL array is more complex and a couple of additional aspects have to be considered that would not apply for “normal” lasers. Consequently, the validation of a VCSEL’s laser class is not trivial, and even more so as no easily understandable guideline for the assessment of VCSEL safety has been published yet.
In this presentation, Katharina Predehl will guide you through VCSELs in 3D Sensing Applications, Laser Eye Safety, Laser Safety: The IEC60825-1 Standard, Laser Classes, VCSEL Beam Geometry, and Laser Class Assessment: Flow chart.
Register TODAY for the conference to hear the presentation (available January 19 - 22, 2021)
cas ct ir
CAS 140CT array spectrometers for high accuracy infrared light measurement

The CAS 140CT IR series of spectroradiometers from Instrument Systems are high-performance array spectrometers that have been optimized in order to fulfil the requirements for wavelength measurement in the NIR to SWIR spectral range.
With the cooled InGaAs or extended InGaAs line sensors of the CAS 140CT IR series a wavelength range of 780 nm to 2150 nm can be covered with two model variants. All instruments in the series feature thermoelectric cooling of the sensors to a temperature of -10°C (model IR1) or -20°C (model IR2). This ensures low noise and long-term stability.
\\ Technical Paper

lps video
UV LED sources demand calibration to precise measurements for safe operation

Bastian Eder and Đenan Konjhodžić summarize a UV LED calibration concept that relies upon radiant flux, and emphasize the advantages for developing measurement standards in the increasingly important UV spectral range.
The presented concept results in extremely low measurement uncertainties (k=2) of the UV-ACS, that are comparably low to those in the metrologically unproblematic visible range, thereby offering a reliable resource for radiant flux calibration in the UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C ranges.
Published in LEDS magazine Sep 2020, page 23.
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