The June 2019 English Edition of the ZEW Newsletter provides news from the Mannheim-based economic research institute.
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Newsletter June 2019

No. 2019-06 · 27 June 2019 (Julia Glashauser,





Call for Papers


ZEW Workshop on the Economics of Higher Education




Guests at ZEW


Press Releases


Recent Publications



ZEWnews English Edition


German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI) Report


ZEW Discussion Papers


ZEW Expertises/Research Reports



ZEW-Finanzmarktreport (ZEW Financial Market Report)


ZEW-Gutachten/Forschungsberichte (ZEW Expertises/Research Reports)


New Research Projects




Scientific Events


Public Events


Job Offers

1. News

zum Anfang
27.06.2019 · ZEW (cas/jgl)
DIFI-Report by ZEW and JLL
Sentiment Indicator for Commercial Real Estate Financing Remains in Negative Territory
Average assessment of the current situation and expectations for the five sectors of the real estate market (office, retail, logistics, residential properties and hotels). Values above zero indicate an improvement in the financing environment, while negative values indicate a decline.

In the second quarter of 2019, the German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI) by ZEW and JLL decreased by 1.4 points to a current reading of minus 11.1 points, thus remaining in negative territory. The majority of the experts surveyed see no change in the financing situation, either in the past or in the coming six months. However, those expecting changes in the financing situation gave a predominantly pessimistic assessment. The sentiment indicator for commercial real estate financing is thus also reflecting the subdued economic development in Germany.

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27.06.2019 · ZEW (awh/mkn/ybr)
BMBF Projects on the Economics of Climate Change Launched at ZEW
The ZEW team conducts research on the economic significance of climate change within the scope of the BMBF priority.

The Paris climate agreement has set ambitious goals: 197 contractual parties have agreed to limit global temperature rise to well below 2 degree Celsius, to improve their adaptability to climate change and to reconcile financial flows with a low-emission and climate-resilient economic and social development. But how can these goals be achieved in an economically and ecologically effective and sustainable way? Since the beginning of the year, a ZEW team has been part of a total of seven collaborative projects involving several research partners within the framework of Phase II of the BMBF funding priority “Economics of Climate Change”.

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14.06.2019 · ZEW (thp)
Dates and News
On to the Bike: ZEW Chasing Miles for Climate Protection Again

On your saddle, get set, go: From 18 May to 7 June 2019, ZEW employees again took part in the campaign “City Cycling Cycling for a Better Climate” organised by the City of Mannheim in collaboration with the state of Baden-Württemberg. The aim of the campaign is to promote CO2 reduction in everyday life, to support sustainable mobility and ultimately to enjoy cycling. Over the 21-day campaign, the ZEW team saved around 300 kilograms of CO2, thus contributing to climate protection.

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13.06.2019 · ZEW (dhr/ggr)
Dates and News
German-Chinese Partnership: Shandong University and ZEW Seal Collaboration
SDUFE President Professor Zhongxiu Zhao and ZEW President Professor Achim Wambach signed the agreement for increased cooperation.

ZEW and the Chinese Shandong University of Finance and Economics (SDUFE) in Jinan have officially sealed their long-planned collaboration. SDUFE President Professor Zhongxiu Zhao and ZEW President Professor Achim Wambach signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 12 June 2019, on the occasion of the visit of a Chinese delegation from Jinan to ZEW. The aim of this agreement is to strengthen cooperation in fields of research of mutual interest as well as in the qualification of young scientists.

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06.06.2019 · ZEW (fkr/ybr)
ZEW Lunch Debate in Brussels
The Eurozone’s Most Important Currency Is Credibility
Veranstaltungsvideo Wirtschaftspolitik aus erster Hand in Stuttgart

If the European Union wishes to integrate its Eastern Member States into the eurozone, it will have to put together a comprehensive reform package for the European Economic and Monetary Union that is above all credible. While the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries are generally not opposed to the euro and in terms of the Maastricht criteria are in a better position than other euro states, there has so far been a prevailing scepticism with regard to joining the eurozone. The main reason for this is that the benefits that the CEE states derive from eurozone membership do not exceed the costs. These issues were the focus of the most recent ZEW Lunch Debate.

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06.06.2019 · ZEW (arr/rge/ybr)
Energy Experts Discuss Energy from Different Perspectives
Eighth Mannheim Energy Conference at ZEW

On 6 and 7 May 2019, around 50 energy experts from Germany and abroad discussed current topics related to the energy industry at the eighth Mannheim Energy Conference at ZEW. Over the course of the two-day event, researchers and experts from companies and international organisations focused on carbon pricing, energy efficiency as well as the design of electricity markets with renewable energy generation. The conference was organised jointly by ZEW and the Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI).

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Additional ZEW news

2. Call for Papers

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2.1. ZEW Workshop on the Economics of Higher Education

11.06.2019 · ZEW (jgl)
ZEW Workshop on the Economics of Higher Education (1819 November 2019)

ZEW is pleased to announce an international workshop on the Economics of Higher Education in Mannheim on 18 and 19 November 2019. The event focuses on the choice and outcomes of higher education programmes, as well as on higher education policy. A list of further potential topics is included in the call for papers. Researchers are invited to submit empirical contributions as full papers or preliminary versions no later than 15 July 2019 via

Additional information and call for papers

3. Personalia

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3.1. Guests at ZEW

21.06.2019 · ZEW (thp)
Emilio Raiteri Visiting Researcher at ZEW

Assistant Professor Emilio Raiteri was a visiting researcher in the Junior Research Group “Economics of Public Procurement” in ZEW’s Department “Corporate Taxation and Public Finance” from 17 to 19 June 2019. He is an assistant professor in the Technology, Innovation & Society group of the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. His research focuses on the economics of innovation, intellectual property and technology policy evaluation. His current work concentrates mainly on the functioning of the patent system and public procurement of innovation. During his visit, he worked with ZEW researcher Leonardo Giuffrida, PhD, on topics relating to public procurement of innovation.

Additional information on Emilio Raiteri

17.06.2019 · ZEW (thp)
Noah Myung Visiting Researcher at ZEW

Assistant Professor Noah Myung was a visiting researcher in the ZEW Junior Research Group “Competition and Innovation” in ZEW’s Department “Corporate Taxation and Public Finance” from 3 to 14 June 2019. He is the Director of the Center for Leadership Simulation and Gaming and an assistant professor at the University of Virginia’s Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy in Charlottesville, USA. His research focuses on game theory, organizational economics, and financial economics. His current work concentrates mainly on equilibrium selection in coordination games as well as information sharing between competitors. In addition, as a market design problem for internal labour markets, his U.S. Department of Defense research investigates on improving efficiencies in retention, compensation, and assignments. His centre recently debuted a participatory simulation on forced migration using system dynamics methodology and data from the Syrian refugee crisis. During his visit, he worked with ZEW researcher Dr. Bernhard Ganglmair on topics relating to expectations of receiving feedback when competitors share valuable information.

Additional information on Noah Myung

4. Press Releases

zum Anfang
25.06.2019 · ZEW (msc/fkr)
China Economic Panel
Expectations for Chinese Economy Return to Negative Territory
CEP Indicator Falls to a New Reading of Minus 7.8 Points
In June, the CEP Indicator fell to a new reading of minus 7.8 points.

According to the most recent survey for June (519 June 2019), the economic outlook for China has decreased by 9.5 points to a reading of minus 7.8 points. The indicator thus finds itself once again in negative territory (May 2019: 1.7 points). The CEP Indicator, which reflects the expectations of international financial market experts regarding China’s macroeconomic development over the coming twelve months, has thus been experiencing an almost uninterrupted series of negative readings since April 2018. May 2019 was the only month in which the indicator moved into slightly positive territory for a short period of time.

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18.06.2019 · ZEW (msc/jrr/fbr/fkr)
ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment
Strong Decline in Economic Sentiment
ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany, June 2019

The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany decreased sharply in June 2019, and now stands at minus 21.1 points. This corresponds to a drop of 19.0 points compared to the previous month. The indicator’s long-term average is 22.0 points. Over the same period, the assessment of the economic situation in Germany slightly worsened by 0.4 points, with the corresponding indicator falling to a current reading of 7.8 points. The economic outlook for Germany is therefore similarly negative as it was in the last quarter of 2018.

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06.06.2019 · ZEW (fhe)
ZEW Economist Friedrich Heinemann on ECB Interest Rate Decision
Euro Countries in Deficit Procedures Should Be Excluded from Bond Purchases
Professor Friedrich Heinemann, head of the “Corporate Taxation and Public Finance” Research Department at ZEW comments on ECB Interest Rate Decision.

At its meeting today, the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) postponed the earliest possible date for an initial interest rate hike until mid-2020. In addition, the Council decided on details for a new series of targeted longer-term refinancing operations (TLTRO III). Professor Friedrich Heinemann, head of the “Corporate Taxation and Public Finance” Research Department at ZEW, comments on the ECB’s latest decision.

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06.06.2019 · ZEW (tkn/fkr)
Facilitating the Distribution of Food Donations via Digital Platforms
Market Design in Practice
State Secretary Dr. Hermann Onko Aeikens (second from left) presenting the funding certificate for the project “Tafel macht Zukunft – gemeinsam digital” to Evelin Schulz from the training academy of Tafel Deutschland, ZEW economist Professor Thilo Klein (second from right) and Jochen Brühl from Tafel Deutschland.

To further reduce the quantity of food wasted in Germany by facilitating a needs-based distribution of food donations to food banks is the goal of a project of the Research Group “Market Design” at ZEW. To this end, the ZEW Research Group is helping to develop a digital platform to improve the network between food banks, wholesalers and food producers.

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05.06.2019 · ZEW (gli/fkr)
Focusing on the Economic Relations Between Europe and China
First European-Chinese Business & Innovation Forum at ZEW
Sun Congbin, General Consul of the People's Republic of China, during his speech at ZEW.

The first European-Chinese Business & Innovation Forum at ZEW provided insights into the trends and perspectives regarding cooperation and competition between the economies of Europe and China. Over the course the event, international experts from the realms of politics, research and economics discussed the future development of European-Chinese economic relations. Mannheim is the only city in Germany to hold such a forum, which has been organised in cooperation with ZEW and the European Commission.

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05.06.2019 · ZEW (fhe/fkr)
Central and Eastern Europeans Reject a Euro Transfer Union
ZEW Study on the Perspective of CEE Countries on the Euro
ZEW-Studie zur Attraktivität des Euros: Ein Reformpaket wird benötigt, um die Eurozone nach Osten zu erweitern.

From the point of view of Central and Eastern European (CEE) EU Member States, the attractiveness of the euro has declined significantly in recent years. If the eurozone were to move towards greater fiscal centralisation and solidarity, this would probably increase the scepticism of these countries about joining the single currency. Only a well-balanced reform package that credibly prevents the collectivisation of government debt could pave the way for an eastward expansion of the eurozone. These are the findings of a study conducted by ZEW with support of the Brigitte Strube Stiftung.

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Additional ZEW press releases

5. Recent Publications

zum Anfang

Our publications are available to download in PDF format. PDF files can be viewed using, among others, Acrobat Reader, which you can download for free at https://acrobat. adobe. com/us/en/acrobat/pdf-reader. html


5.1. ZEWnews English Edition

The ZEWnews English Edition May/June 2019 contains articles on:

Ten Priorities for EU and Eurozone Reform

German Family Businesses Create More Jobs Than DAX Companies

Q&A: “It Is Important to Offer a Total Package of Innovation-Friendly Policies”

Email Reminders Have a Positive Effect on Physical Activity

Hidden Champions: Efficient Innovation and Strong Skills Development

Opinion: A European Appeal Procedure for Mergers Many Questions Remain

Download PDF file (716 KB)

This issue contains the M&A Report with the following articles:

German M&A Index Declining Since Year-End

M&A Activity in the German Construction Sector Remains Fairly Robust

M&A Activity Between Companies with Large Patent Portfolios Is Refrained From

Download PDF file (233 KB)

5.2. German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI) Report

DIFI-Report, Second Quarter 2019

DIFI Almost Unchanged in Negative Territory

Assessments of the Real Estate Financing Market are Still Relatively Pessimistic

Refinancing on the Rise

Margin Races: Euphoria for Hotel Real Estate Declines

Download PDF file (929 KB)

5.3. ZEW Discussion Papers

Discussion Paper 19-023

Ingo Vogelsang
Net Neutrality Regulation: Much Ado About Nothing?

Download PDF file (434 KB)

Discussion Paper 19-022

Susanne Steffes and Arne Jonas Warnke
Determinants of Work-Related Training: An Investigation of Observed and Unobserved Firm, Job and Worker Heterogeneity

Download PDF file (383 KB)

Discussion Paper 19-021

Astrid Dannenberg and Carlo Gallier
The Choice of Institutions to Solve Cooperation Problems: A Survey of Experimental Research

Download PDF file (552 KB)

Discussion Paper 19-020

Enzo Brox and Tommy Krieger
Birthplace Diversity and Team Performance

Download PDF file (1.1 MB)

Discussion Paper 19-019

Giacomo Corneo and Guido Neidhöfer
Income Redistribution and Self-Selection of Immigrants

Download PDF file (2 MB)

5.4. ZEW Expertises/Research Reports

Julia Heigle and Friedhelm Pfeiffer
An Analysis of Selected Labor Market Outcomes of College Dropouts in Germany A Machine Learning Estimation Approach

Download PDF file (827 KB)

Sebastian Blesse, Annika Havlik and Friedrich Heinemann
Searching for a Euro Reform Consensus: The Perspective from Central and Eastern Europe

Download PDF file (697 KB)


5.5. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport (ZEW Financial Market Report)

ZEW Financial Market Report July 2019

Global Economic Risks Cast Shadow over Economic Outlook

Eurozone: Decline in Economic Sentiment

USA Economic Expectations Fall Again

Japan: Economic Outlook Worsens Considerably

Great Britain: Economic Expectations Decrease Sharply

Special Question: Reverse Mortgage as an Instrument for Retirement Planning in Germany

Download PDF file (183 KB) in German

5.6. ZEW-Gutachten/Forschungsberichte (ZEW Expertises/Research Reports)

Marius Berger, Josefine Diekhof, Thorsten Doherr, Jürgen Egeln, Sandra Gottschalk, Martin Hud, Mila Köhler, Christian Rammer, Henning Kroll, Peter Neuhäusler, Patricia Helmich, Jan-Philipp Kramer, Friedemann Koll, Adriana Cruz, Janosch Nellen, Moritz Schrapers and Caroline Winkelmann
Analysen zum Innovationsstandort Sachsen (Analyses on the Saxon Innovation System)
An executive summary and a detailed report are available on this report:
Download executive summary as PDF file (387 KB)
Download detailed report as PDF file (7,5 MB)

Sandra Gottschalk, Annegret Hauer, Detlef Keese and Moritz Lubczyk
Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Familienunternehmen (The Economic Importance of Family Enterprises)

Download PDF file (2.4 MB) in German

Martin Brussig, Patrizia Aurich-Beerheide , Johannes Kirsch , Philipp Langer , Friedhelm Pfeiffer, Boris Ivanov, Laura Pohlan, Nils Pagels, Andrea Gabler , Sandra Kotlenga, Barbara Nägele, Henry Puhe and Rita Kleinemeier
Evaluation des Bundesprogramms „Soziale Teilhabe am Arbeitsmarkt“ 3. Zwischenbericht (Evaluation of the Federal Programme “Social Inclusion into the Labour Market” 3rd Interim Report)

Download PDF file (1.9 MB) in German

Additional ZEW publications

6. New Research Projects

zum Anfang

Analysis of Economic Data for the Cluster ICT, Media, Cultural Economy 2019

Additional information on the project site

Developing a Monitoring Tool for Future Support Programmes of the Ministry of Economy, Work and Housing of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg

Additional information on the project site

Firm Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy Indicator Study 2020

Additional information on the project site

Improving School Admissions for Diversity and Better Learning Outcomes

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SEEK Project 2019: Wage Inequality, Labour Shares and ICT

Additional information on the project site

The Local Economic Impacts of Wind Power Deployment in Denmark

Additional information on the project site

Additional ZEW projects

7. Events

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7.1. Scientific Events

ZEW Research Seminar
International Emigrant Selection on Occupational Skills

Speaker: Jens Ruhose (Leibniz University Hannover)
Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim

Additional information

ZEW Research Seminar
Continuation of Air-Services in Berlin-Tegel and its Effects on Housing Prices

Speaker: Jeffrey P. Cohen (University of Connecticut, USA)
Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim

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Fourth Workshop on Spatial Dimensions of the Labour Market

Location of the event: Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France

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Course on Text as Data in Economics

Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim

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ZEW Summer Workshop
21st ZEW Summer Workshop for Young Economists
Advances in Empirical Public Economics

Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim

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7.2. Public Events

The Future of Europe Key Issues

Speaker: Professor Jean Pisani-Ferry (Sciences Po Paris, France and Hertie School of Governance, Berlin)
Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim

Additional information

Additional ZEW events

8. Job Offers

zum Anfang

Postdoctoral Researcher (100 %) for the Research Department “Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management”

Addiotional information and online application

Additional current job offers

Picture Credits: news article of 27 June 2019: JLL and ZEW, news article of 27 June 2019:, news article of 06 June 2019: FKPH, press release of 06 June 2019: Anna Logue Fotografie/ ZEW, press release of 06 June 2019: BMEL, press release of 05 June 2019: Elmar Witt, press release of 05 June 2019: Binns
All further pictures: ©ZEW

ZEWLeibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH Mannheim

L 7, 1 · 68161 Mannheim ·

Phone: +49 621/1235-01
Fax: +49 621/1235-255

Registered Office:
MannheimLocal Court Mannheim HRB 6554

Chair of the ZEW Supervisory Board:
Theresia Bauer MdL, Minister of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg

Executive Directors: Professor Achim Wambach, PhD, Thomas Kohl

Our detailed imprint:

Yvonne Bräutigam
Julia Glashauser · Sarah Tiedemann

Editorial E-Mail:

Responsible for the content:
Gunter Grittmann

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