Web version | November 2022
Metrohm DropSens News
Dear Researcher,
The impact on the discovery of Raman effect is still relevant nowadays. Such is so, that its combination with electrochemistry improving the analytical features of each technique independently is filling scientific magazines with new articles. One can only wonder what would have been the achievements of Mr. C.V Raman if he has had an integrated instrument with a dedicated software such as DropView SPELEC.
To have straight forward tools and procedures is a distinctive trademark in all Metrohm DropSens sofwares: Discover possibilities offered by the use of mixed techniques available in our Bipotentiostats.
Enjoy the reading!
The power of the Bipotentiostat
µStat-i 400 is a portable (Bi)Potentiostat/Galvanostat/Impedance Analyzer (EIS). This means that you can use any of the available electrochemical techniques (25) with a cell configuration consisting of 2 WE, 1 CE and 1 REF including EIS thanks to the MultiplEIS® technology.
Aside of this, the Bipotentiostat capability in µStat-i 400 also allows you to work even with different techniques in each of the 2 WE such as LSV+AD and CV+AD. Without the need of any scripting or programming, just by making use of the mixed techniques available, you could easily perform field-effect transistor (FET) measurements or electrocatalysis applications among others.
If you want to save time and do these bipotentiostat experiments in more channels, then check µStat-i MultiX!
Find out more
The importance of a dedicated spectroelectrochemical software
With a series of short videos we would like to introduce you to the dedicated spectroelectrochemical tools available in DropView SPELEC software. Just one click will make the difference in your research: “Spectra vs EC” allows you to easily track the evolution of optical signal with potential. Correlate the electrochemical signal with the Raman/UVVIS/NIR optical response in a single graph, providing outstanding information for the complete understanding of the electrochemical reaction.
Detection of acetaldehyde in wine
Check a new open access article recently published using a "SPELEC UV-VIS" system for the detection of acetaldehyde in wine. In this article it is clearly shown how the combination of spectroscopy and electrochemistry improves the analytical features that both techniques have separately. As the optical information collected is only associated with acetaldehyde, it avoids the contribution of the interferents also present in wines. The spectroelectrochemical monitoring allows the easy quantification of acetaldehyde, saving cost and time.
History of Raman spectroelectrochemistry: from India to Spain
The latest entry in the Metrohm blog covers a brief review of the key moments in the history of Raman technique: From its discovery in India to Spain, where the only integrated instrumentation for Raman spectroelectrochemistry was developed
Do not miss this new post and learn more about the impact of Raman in history.